
Showing posts from April, 2013

Storing branch names in git (so not Only the Gods will know which branches you merged)

tl;dr: a better git branching workflow under the bold sentence below. So yesterday I enjoyed some of the Git Koans by Steve Losh ( ). While I believe that the criticism is valid, I think it also misses the point about git. Forget what you know about svn, mercurial or other version control systems when thinking about git. The fact that most people use it to version source code is irrelevant. Today I thought of a way to use git to store/merge and distribute the nginx configurations across our front facing webservers. We use git to version /etc , etc. So the big question here is: when will we see a perfect version control system for source code on top of the git data structure/algorithms? I've been using git for almost two years, but only since reading the Pro Git book 6 months ago did I really understand any of it. The thing about git is: a git repo is a data structure and the git commands are algorithms, and that's it...